Vadim Zendejas Global Technology Leader

AI and the Automation of Work

Many people is wondering what Generative AI and ChatGPT means for our work.

Many people is wondering what Generative AI and ChatGPT means for our work. I had a discussion with Alexandru Pardutiu on this topic and he shared with me this amazing article by Benedict Evans on AI and Automation of Work. Very worth the read.

In the past we have seen technology innovations that have been helping us increase automation in our jobs, thanks to that innovation we have been able to optimize repetitive tasks, but without concerns for sure, trough history this has generated debate and uncertainty. But nevertheless, we have been evolving how we see work, what is important and we have been more focus on brining value.

AI and the automation of work — Benedict Evans

ChatGPT and generative AI will change how we work, but how different is this to all the other waves of automation of the last 200 years? What does it mean for employment? Disruption? Coal consumption?